
DUI Accident Results In $150,000 Policy Limit Tender

As a result of an accident caused by a drunk driver, Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers’s client suffered multiple serious injuries such as fractured bones, loss of teeth and the development of pulmonary embolism in his lungs. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers were able to obtain all available insurance coverage for this loss totaling $150,000.


Settlement in T Bone Collision Accident

While traveling down East Lake Road in Pinellas County, a Pasco county resident was T-Boned at 50 mph, causing serious shoulder injury which required surgical intervention. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers obtained all available insurance coverage for this loss totaling $150,000.


Settlement for Slip and Fall Accident

A 53 year old man was injured at Buffalo Wild Wings when he slipped in a puddle of water, falling hard onto the ground, injuring himself.   Through our investigation, the restaurant manager revealed one of the urinals  had been overflowing.  He had directed an employee to install a “wet floor sign,” however the employee failed to follow instructions.   Bulffalo Wild Wings failed to carry out its duties to keep the premises reasonably safe and by failing to warn its customers of the hazard.   Regrettably, its employees did not put up a “wet floor sign” until after our client was injured.  As a result, he sustained a head  contusion, neck injury, and right shoulder injury, all which necessitated conservative treatment.   Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers secured a $150,000 settlement in favor of this client within 10 months of the fall.


Full Policy Limit Obtained Despite Insurance Denial in Car Crash Case

This case involved a car crash in which the insurance company denied coverage requiring extensive litigation. The client sustained back, neck and head injuries. This was complicated by a preexisting history of similar injuries. In addition to his medical expenses he sustained significant lost wages. Ultimately despite the insurance company denying coverage, we were ablet obtain the full policy limits.


Enhanced Settlement For a Rear End Car Collision Case

Our client was struck from behind by a careless driver, severely damaging her car and inflicting significant spine injuries, including herniated intervertebral discs. The initial offer was $5000. Roman Austin convinced the insurance company of the severity of the injury. The case was settled for $150,000.


Compensation For a Young Client Obtained After a Long Battle Against Reluctant Insurance Company

Our client was driving her vehicle in the far-right hand turn lane of a multi-lane road, when another vehicle swerved in front of her vehicle, braked abruptly, and caused significant front-end damage to the client’s vehicle. The client’s vehicle sustained $9,194.61 in property damage. The client sustained multiple herniations to her spine which required extensive medical treatment including injections and radiofrequency ablations. After multiple years of fighting the at-fault party’s insurance company, our firm was able to obtain a settlement of $500,000.


$146,500 Settlement For A Low Impact Crash

A Pasco County woman was at a stop sign when a sports car behind her struck the rear of her vehicle at a low speed with minimal property damage. Our client visited an urgent care center 5 days later with neck and shoulder complaints. She had been in recent previous auto accidents before. She sought treatment with an orthopedic for physical therapy and an MRI of her shoulder 3 months post-accident showed a tear in the labral and rotator cuff. After surgery was performed approximately 1 year post-accident, a demand letter was sent to the at-fault insurance company who immediately paid our requested full amount for settlement. This eliminated the need for any extended, time-consuming negotiations and allowed for a large pay out to our client to be expedited.


Settlement for Car Accident Victim

Our client was traveling southbound on I-275 in the center lane when the defendant cut in front of his vehicle, striking our client’s passenger side. As a result of the impact, our client sustained multilevel disc herniations placing pressure on his spinal cord. After a course of injection treatment that provided little relief, our client underwent a discectomy surgery in an effort to provide relief from his extreme pain. Our client accrued both staggering medical bills and lost wages, as he worked in a job that required physical labor he could no longer perform. Following extensive negotiations and the insurance carrier’s resistance to tender their policy limits, our firm recovered all available insurance coverage totaling $135,000.


Client’s Right-of-Way Ignored, Resulting in Serious Neck and Back Injuries

Client was involved in a high impact T-Bone Collision when a careless driver failed to yield our client’s right of way, crossing 4 lanes of traffic and colliding with our client resulting in a devastating car accident involving serious injuries. Client sustained serious permanent neck and back injuries including neck and low back herniations in this accident.    Roman Austin successfully negotiated settlement after litigation against the at fault party.


$130,000 Policy Limit Tenders to Tampa man injured in a Rear end collision.

Client was stopped at a red light and was rearended at a high rate of speed. Client had a pre-existing neck and low back injuries which required prior fusion surgeries. Client was asymptomatic at the time of this accident. This accident caused a serious aggravation of his pre-existing neck injury, resulting in cervical spine surgery. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers was able to obtain all insurance policies available for this loss within 3 months, totaling $130,000.