Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Teams Up With Gearlink Racing

As avid cyclists, the attorneys and staff of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers are always looking for new ways to spread the “Share the Road” message and promote bicyclist safety. We are proud to announce that our newest effort in this arena – our sponsorship of the Gearlink Racing Team. Gearlink Racing will now be… read more

We’ll Pay if You Keep Quiet About It: The Problem of Secret Settlements

In general, papers filed in a lawsuit are public record. Anyone who wants to look at a court file can go to a courthouse and do so. One can read through the files and see all the motions, notices, and court rulings in a case as it winds it way through the judicial system. Settlements… read more

Corporate Defendants May Have to Say They’re Sorry When They Settle

Settling a lawsuit for money damages seems pretty simple. A party who suffers a loss agrees to accept a certain amount of money, the defendant agrees to pay it, and the case is over. But alas, things are never so simple in lawsuit world. In lawsuit world, even agreements to settle cases are usually written… read more

The Epidemic of Distraction-Related Car Accidents

Driver distraction kills more than 3,000 people every year according to a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). When thousands of people are killed in the United States every year resulting from one cause, you could conclude that distracted drivers are an “epidemic.” Fortunately, there is a “cure” for this epidemic…. read more

Florida Texting While Driving Law in Effect

As of October 1, a new Florida texting law went into effect. This law makes it a secondary offense to text while driving. In other words, an officer cannot simply pull you over for texting, unless you have committed another infraction. When another infraction is committed, an officer can write you a $30 ticket. Many individuals… read more

“Celebrate” Campaign for Safe Driving

State Farm Insurance recently implemented a campaign to promote safe driving among high school students called “Celebrate My Drive.” According to State Farm, the campaign is meant to appreciate the coming of age achievement of driving, yet provide a sobering reminder about the responsibility such a rite of passage carries. Teen driving car accident statistics… read more

Insurance Companies Are Bringing Big Brother to Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases almost always involve questions about how badly people are injured, and the cause of their injuries. One of the key types of evidence used to prove or disprove injuries are medical records. While medical records are usually private, people have to give up their medical privacy when they make an injury claim…. read more

Powerful Short Film Shows Cost of Texting and Driving

The dangers of texting and driving are now well known. Starting on October 1st, Florida will finally join the ranks of states which prohibit it. Given that, it’s an opportune time to mention a short film on the subject released last month by legendary German filmmaker Werner Herzog. Herzog’s film, From One Second to the… read more

State Farm Fined for Covering Up Expert Witness Payments

A trial judge in Miami fined State Farm $20,000 this week for covering up the amount it had paid to an expert medical witness. The judge found State Farm lied when it said it could not figure out exactly how much it had paid a physician to testify at trials. The case, Hernadez v. Quintanales,… read more

Zimmerman Not Guilty: Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Last weekend, George Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in the criminal case involving the death of Trayvon Martin. Given the racial overtones of the case, it’s no surprise that reaction to the verdict has been explosive. This illustrates a general problem: jurors often get a bad rap for what they do. People unhappy with… read more