Settlement in Pedestrian / Auto Accident Case
Our client as working and operating a garbage truck. After getting out of his truck to perform his job duties he was struck by a motor vehicle. At -fault driver failed to heed warnings and was driving to fast for the conditions. Such accident resulted in knee surgery and substantial wage loss. After filing suit, Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers negotiated a settlement in the amount of $110,000.
Settlement in DUI Accident
An active retiree was seriously injured in a catastrophic T-Bone collision when a drunk driver with a blood alcohol level of .273, more than three time the legal limit, ran a red light, resulting injuries to our client including a fractured clavicle, multiple rib fractures, and serious injury to both knees. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers obtained tender of all insurance policy limits available in the amount of $110,000 within 30 days.
Settlement For a Rear-end Collision That Caused Multiple Injuries
This 21-year-old was injured when he was rear ended while traveling east bound on State Road 580 in Clearwater, Florida. This rear-end collision caused multiple cervical, thoracic, and lumbar disc injuries. Client underwent conservative care. The insurance carriers resisted paying their $110,000 policy limits stating his pain and suffering was only worth $20,000. Roman Austin fought hard and obtained the justice this client deserved quickly, the full policy limits, in under 60 days after the insurance company’s first offer.
Full Policy Limit Tenders Secured for Client Injured in T-Bone Collision
The client was involved in a T-bone collision when another motorist ran through a stop sign. He was transported to the hospital by ambulance with neck and back injuries. After a period of conservative therapy, he underwent MRI scans, which revealed herniated discs in the neck and back. After a failure of conservative treatment, he ultimately underwent injections in both the neck and back. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers obtained fully policy limit tenders of $110,000.
Client Injured by Driver Exiting Wrong Way, Receives Full Policy Limit Settlement
Bicyclist Crash: Client was riding her bicycle when a driver pulled out from the wrong way of a parking lot. The client suffered head, neck and back injuries. She had a prior history of neck and back injuries from a prior car crash. This crashed caused an aggravation of those prior injuries as well as a head injury. After extensive litigation we were able to recover the full policy limits.
Settlement For a Distracted Driver Accident Case, Leading to Soft Tissue Injury
A distracted driver took their foot off the brake at a stop light, rolled forward and struck our client from behind. After treatment for soft tissue injuries. The initial settlement offer from the insurance company was $45,000. The case settled for $110,000.
Fair Settlement Reached for Woman Rear-Ended, Sustaining Spinal Injuries
A 63-year-old woman was at a red light when she was struck from behind without warning. She suffered soft tissue injuries to her spine. The careless driver had only $10,000 of liability insurance. Our client’s uninsured motorist carrier offered less than $20,000, the firm filed a Civil Remedy Notice with the department of financial services for making such a low offer. The case then settled for policy limits of $110,000.
Recovered for a Client After a T-Bone Collision
Our client was involved a severe impact T-bone type collision where the other party was found to be at fault for violating his right of way. The impact to the client’s vehicle propelled his vehicle off the road and into a utility pole before coming to a complete stop. The client sustained spinal injuries as a result of this impact. The at-fault party’s insurance did not wish to pay their policy limits, but instead offered $31,000 to settle the case. The team at Roman Austin did not let the carrier get away with such a low ball offer, and filed a lawsuit against the at-fault party. Within weeks of serving the at-fault party, the insurance company paid the full policy limits on the case.
Red Light Collision: Client Injured in T-Bone Crash Receives Full Policy Limit Settlement
The client was involved in a significant crash when she was T-boned by a driver that ran a red light. She suffered neck and back injuries but the main complaint was shoulder pain. After exhausting conservative options she ultimately decided to undergo surgery to the shoulder. In addition to the medical damages she also suffered lost wages. After filing a law suit and going through discovery we were able to obtain the full policy limits in this case.
Auto Accident Resulting In Ruptured Bicep Tendon
An accident caused by careless driving left our client with a ruptured bicep tendon which required surgery. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers were able to secure there client the $100,000 policy limit after settlement.