Tampa Oversize Load Truck Accidents

Florida sees tens of thousands of truck accidents annually. These accidents injure or kill thousands of motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists every year. Truck crashes happen for many reasons, including driver errors, equipment failures, and road hazards.

Oversized loads can amplify these risks. They can also increase the damage a crash causes. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers stands up to trucking companies after they cause oversize load truck accidents in the Tampa, Florida, area.

Contact our experienced Tampa oversize load truck accident lawyers today at (813) 686-7588 to get started. We offer a completely free initial consultation.

How Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Oversize Load Truck Accident in Tampa, FL

How Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After an Oversize Load Truck Accident in Tampa, FL

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers has been helping injured people in Tampa, FL, since 1996. In that time, our personal injury law firm has recovered over $120 million in compensation for our clients.

After you suffer an injury due to the fault of another, our Tampa truck accident lawyers provide the following:

  • A free consultation to learn about your injuries and discuss your legal options
  • Preparation of your insurance claim to try to settle your case without litigation
  • Over 50 years of combined experience, including substantial time spent in the courtroom at trial

Trucking company insurers and sureties will fight hard against claims after truck crashes. Contact Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers to learn how we can help you stand up to these massive companies and recover fair compensation for your truck crash injuries.

How Many Oversize Load Crashes Happen?

Of all U.S. states, Florida has the third-highest number of fatalities from commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crashes. In 2021, the most recent year with full statistics, the state had 407 deaths from crashes involving large trucks and buses. That year, Hillsborough County, home to Tampa, had 2,781 CMV accidents. These crashes caused 24 deaths and 824 non-fatal injuries.

Neither the federal nor state government releases statistics detailing how many crashes involve oversize loads. This term refers to federal trucking regulations that allow trucks to travel in interstate commerce without any additional permits when they are:

  • Up to 80,000 pounds in weight
  • Less than 102 inches in width
  • Shorter than 13 feet, six inches in height
  • Less than 48 feet from the hitch to the rear axle in length

Trucks that exceed any of these dimensions must apply for an oversize load permit authorized and issued by Florida’s Department of Transportation.

Although the federal statistics do not identify how many crashes result from overweight loads, they provide some statistics about certain overlength configurations. In 2021, trucks with multiple trailers in the U.S. were involved in:

  • 124 fatal accidents and 819 injury crashes for double trailer configurations
  • 5 fatal accidents and 39 injury crashes for triple trailer configurations

Bear in mind that these low numbers reflect the relative rarity of these configurations on roads. The federal statistics do not provide enough information to know whether these configurations are more or less likely than regular configurations to cause collisions, injuries, or deaths.

Common Causes of Oversize Load Truck Crashes in Tampa

Oversized loads amplify some of the most dangerous aspects of large trucks. They can increase the risk of crashes in several ways, including the following:

Blind Spots

Truck drivers have massive blind spots along both sides of their vehicles. Overlength and overwidth loads make these blind spots even larger.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), about 14% of truck crashes result from inadequate surveillance by truck drivers. Oversized loads increase the burden on truck drivers to watch carefully for other vehicles.

Stopping Distance

Another risk of oversized loads comes from braking. Trucks have a much longer stopping distance than automobiles because of the weight of their cargo. Overweight loads make it even more difficult for drivers to stop or maneuver their trucks in emergencies.

The FMCSA reported that 23% of truck crashes result from speeding and 5% result from tailgating. When a driver carries an overweight load, they cannot brake in time to avoid a crash while speeding or tailgating.


Commercial trucks face risks of overturning due to shifting loads and even crosswinds. Overheight loads can shift the center of gravity of a load even higher, increasing the risk of a rollover crash. The FMCSA’s statistics show that cargo shifts contribute to 4% of truck collisions.

Equipment Failure

Oversized loads increase the stress on a truck’s equipment. Systems that might fail under an oversized load include:

  • Brakes
  • Tires
  • Trailer hitch
  • Cargo ties and chains

Semi-trucks have a much higher rate of equipment-related crashes than automobiles. About 10% of large truck crashes happen due to equipment failures, while only about 2% of car accidents result from equipment issues.

Liability for Tampa Oversize Load Crashes

The liability for overload truck accidents can fall on the trucking company if they fail to maintain or repair their equipment or employ drivers who negligently operate their vehicles. And since oversized loads are especially sensitive to cargo shifts, the trucking company might also be responsible if its employee negligently loads a vehicle.

If you hire our truck accident lawyers in Tampa, we’ll work hard to identify every potential liable party so that we can maximize the value of your claim.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Tampa Oversize Load Truck Accident Lawyers

A truck crash can cause massive injuries regardless of the truck and trailer configuration. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers can help you recover compensation for every consequence of your crash, including your financial losses, pain and suffering, and more.

Our Tampa oversize load truck accident attorneys work on contingency, which means we only get paid if you do. Call today at (813) 686-7588 to learn more and schedule your free consultation.