Do I Need a Lawyer After a Hit-and-Run Accident in Clearwater?

Given the results of a study conducted by the American Automobile Association, it’s easy to say that Florida has a hit-and-run accident problem. The state falls in the top three of those with the highest rates of fatal hit-and-run crashes per 100K residents, alongside Louisiana and New Mexico.

As such, it’s natural for crash victims to immediately ask, “Do I need a lawyer after a hit-and-run accident in Clearwater?” Normally, victims receive injury compensation through a no-fault claim with their insurer and a liability claim with the at-fault driver’s insurer. However, you cannot file a liability claim if the other driver leaves. 

Thankfully, Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers can help outline your options after a hit-and-run crash. Contact our trusted car accident lawyers in Clearwater, FL, today at (727) 787-2500 to get started with a free case evaluation. 

How Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Hit-and-Run Accident in Clearwater, FL

How Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After a Hit-and-Run Accident in Clearwater, FL

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers has been helping those injured in Clearwater, Florida, since the firm’s founding in 1986. Our car accident lawyers in Clearwater have recovered more than $120 million in injury compensation from at-fault parties and their insurers.

Should you suffer an injury as the result of a hit-and-run incident, our attorneys will provide you with the following:

  • Legal advice about your rights and options for seeking compensation
  • Former insurance lawyers who will file claims and negotiate settlements
  • Seasoned litigators, including a board-certified civil trial lawyer, who can represent you in your case

Car accident injuries sustained from a hit-and-run can disable you and leave you with limited options for receiving the compensation you deserve, so do not hesitate to contact Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation to discuss your case.

How Many Hit-and-Run Accidents Happen In Florida?

According to the Florida Crash Dashboard, the state experienced 397,514 car accidents in 2022. Of these, 107,833 — over 27% — took the form of hit-and-runs. Nationwide, roughly 12% of car crashes involve a hit-and-run driver. 

With these statistics in mind, the odds that the driver will leave the scene after hitting another vehicle or pedestrian in Florida are more than double than those throughout the rest of the country.

Unfortunately, that trend holds for crashes involving injury or death as well. Across the U.S., roughly 6% of injuries and 5% of traffic fatalities occur in hit-and-run crashes; in Florida alone, those numbers jump to 9% and 8%, respectively.

Situations When You Need a Lawyer After a Hit-and-Run

Lawyers serve many purposes in pursuing an accident claim, from reviewing your crash to fighting to settle your case without the need for the time and expenses of a trial. Of course, if the insurer refuses to settle, your law firm will file a lawsuit and advocate for your interests in court.

Your options change when you are injured in a hit-and-run accident. Fortunately, Florida’s no-fault insurance system provides alternatives for compensation. Depending on the options you added to your auto insurance policy, you may also pursue a claim under your uninsured motorist coverage.

Nevertheless, these options do not always pan out smoothly; some situations in which you might need a lawyer after a hit-and-run accident include the following:

You Left the Accident Scene

Florida law requires you to stop after a collision that results in the injury or death of another individual and exchange information with the other driver. If you fail to stop, you have committed a hit-and-run accident.

That rule applies to both the at-fault party and the victim, meaning you can still commit a hit-and-run if you fail to stop after you get hit. For example, if a driver following you too closely were to cause a rear-end collision, you could still commit a hit-and-run if you left the scene without stopping, even though the other driver was clearly at fault.

You could also face liability for any injuries or deaths that occurred. In the same example, if the at-fault driver suffered a severe laceration in the crash, you would have a duty to stop and render aid under Florida law. 

Your Claims Get Denied

Under Florida’s no-fault insurance system, you can file a claim with your insurer for medical and disability benefits after a hit-and-run crash. Still, these benefits cover only 80% of your medical and 60% of your wage losses.

Insurance companies consider hit-and-run drivers to be uninsured motorists. As a result, you can pursue an uninsured motorist claim for your injuries. Though Florida does not require vehicle owners to buy such coverage, you can add the option to your policy, and the benefits can cover the losses left unreimbursed by your no-fault coverage.

The Police Identify the Hit-And-Run Driver

If the police identify the hit-and-run driver in your case, you may be able to pursue a liability claim against them. Your lawyer will need to prove the other driver negligently or intentionally hit your vehicle, and if they do, you will recover both economic and non-economic damages from them.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Clearwater Car Accident Lawyers

Hit-and-run crashes leave you with limited options, but you may still be able to recover substantial compensation for your injuries. Contact Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers at (727) 787-2500 to discuss your Clearwater hit-and-run accident and your legal options for pursuing injury compensation.

Our law firm handles all types of car accident cases involving:

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