Polls show that most Americans drive frequently. In fact, around 83% of adults report that they get behind the wheel several times a week. 

If you fall into this category, you likely drive for convenience. Driving yourself is often much easier and less time-consuming than using public transportation. 

While driving is a convenient and fun way to travel, it can also be dangerous. In fact, for every 1,000 miles you spend on the road, your risk of getting into a car accident is 1 in 366

You can do your best to stay alert and proactive on the road, but that’s not always enough to prevent a crash from happening.  

What Are the Leading Causes of Car Accidents?

So, how do these accidents happen in the first place? Vehicular accidents are commonly caused by distracted driving. For most people, that doesn’t come as a surprise.

The next time you’re on the road, take a look around. You will likely find a handful of other people driving while distracted. They may be talking on their phones, applying makeup, or even eating. 

Here are a few other common causes of car accidents:

You may be a careful driver, but you can’t assume that everyone else will take the same care. That’s why defensive driving is vital. Watch your speed, stay aware of road conditions, and cut out distractions. These practices will help you decrease the likelihood of an accident.

How Often Are People Killed in Car Accidents?

When quantifying the risk of death from a car accident, the CDC has released a few  startling statistics:

  • Car crashes are the 8th leading cause of death for Americans
  • Car accidents are the number one cause of death for children and young people
  • Worldwide, 1.35 million people die in motor vehicle accidents each year
  • More than half of the casualties are pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists

These numbers present a grim outlook on the fatal risks of driving. According to the National Safety Council, a person’s lifetime odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 107

Car Accident Injuries

Injury, rather than death, is a far more common result in car accidents. In fact, 3 million people are injured yearly in car crashes in the U.S. alone. 

Unfortunately, a car crash injury can still result in long-term repercussions. Chronic pain, extensive rehabilitation, and crippling medical costs are just a few possibilities. 

And if you weren’t at fault for the accident, these effects feel entirely undeserved. It can be devastating to suddenly face mounting medical bills or have to fight tightfisted insurance companies to get the damages that you’re due.

When Should You Seek an Attorney?

Surviving a car accident or losing a loved one is never easy. When another driver has been negligent or reckless, they should be held accountable for the damages that they’ve caused.

Your first step should always be to consult with an experienced attorney. A knowledgeable law professional will help you navigate proceedings and pursue the compensation you’re owed. 

You might be entitled to damages for:

A lawyer will help you to understand the value of your case.

Stay Safe and Practice Defensive Driving

Unfortunately, the rate of motor vehicle accidents continues to rise in the great state of Florida. Don’t become a statistic.

Practice defensive driving by adopting the following habits:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings
  • Leave at least one car length of space between you and a car in front of you for every 10 miles per hour of speed
  • Use your turn signals long before you turn
  • Look both ways before proceeding at an intersection

While no one can control the other drivers on the road, you can increase your own safety and the safety of your passengers by remaining alert and driving defensively.

Contact the Clearwater Car Accident Law Firm of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers for Help Today

For more information, please contact the legal team of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers for a free initial consultation with a car accident lawyer in Clearwater. We have convenient locations in Florida: St. Petersburg, Safety Harbor, Clearwater, New Port Richey, and Tampa.

We serve throughout Pinellas County, Hillsborough County, Pasco County, and its surrounding areas:

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – Clearwater Office
1811 N. Belcher Road, Suite I-1
Clearwater, FL 33765

(727) 787-2500

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – Congress Ave Office
2360 Congress Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33763

(727) 591-5610

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – Tampa Office
6601 Memorial Hwy Suite 202
Tampa, FL 33615

(813) 686-7588

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – New Port Richey Office
2515 Seven Springs Blvd.
New Port Richey, FL, 34655

(727) 815-8442

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – St. Petersburg Law Office
840 Beach Dr NE Suite 202
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

(727) 787-2500

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – Safety Harbor Law Office
202 9th Ave S Suite A-2
Safety Harbor, FL 34695

(727) 787-2500