Should I Call 911 After a Car Accident in Florida?

Yes. You should always call 911 after a car accident in Florida. First, it might be required by law. Second, it’s a step that can help to safeguard your right to seek much-needed compensation for your injuries. What is The Duty To Report a Car Accident in Florida?  Under Florida Statute Section 316.065, drivers have… read more

Interstate Highway Accidents in Tampa

Several interstates travel through or around the Tampa Bay area. Interstate 4 has been named as one of the deadliest roads in the United States. It ranked number one for the number of fatalities based on fatalities per mile from 2010 through 2015.  Other dangerous interstates and highways around Tampa include: Interstate highway accidents in… read more

Is It Illegal to Eat and Drive in Tampa, Florida?

Florida has numerous laws designed to combat distracted driving and car accidents. You may already be familiar with some of these laws. For example, you might know that texting while driving is illegal in Tampa.  However, you may wonder what other behaviors the law restricts. Perhaps you’re wondering whether you can eat food while driving… read more

How Much Does a Lawyer Cost in Tampa?

There are various reasons you may consider hiring an attorney at some point in your life. However, some people who could benefit from legal representation are reluctant to seek it—they fear that a lawyer’s fees will be too costly. This is understandable, but hiring a lawyer can be much less expensive than you might think… read more

What Are the Top 5 Reasons a Personal Injury Lawyer Might Not Take My Case?

Lawyers decline representation for many reasons. Most of these reasons have nothing to do with you, personally.  The lawyer might have ethical conflicts that prevent them from representing you. It might just not make financial sense for the attorney to take your case. Other times, an attorney might decline to represent you because you don’t… read more

How Tailgating Causes Accidents (and How to Stop It)

Tailgating poses a high degree of risk for rear-end collisions. A tailgating driver has little or no time to react if the leading vehicle stops, slows down, or makes another emergency maneuver. A car accident will often result. Because tailgating is so prevalent, we’ve gathered information about the ways that tailgating can cause accidents, along… read more

Where Are the 4 Blind Spots on an 18-Wheeler?

The four blind spots on an 18-wheeler are located on each side of the truck and in the rear and front of the truck. The blind spots are referred to as “no zones” because motorists should not drive in a tractor-trailer’s blind spots. The truck driver cannot see vehicles within the truck’s blind spots. It… read more

Highest Paid Types Of Lawyers: Must Read

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the job outlook for lawyers will grow four percent from 2019 to 2029. That is about as fast as average for job growth compared to other industries. The median pay for an attorney as of 2020 was $126,930 per year or $61.03 per hour. The American… read more

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Caput Succedaneum?

There are many different types of birth injuries that a baby may sustain during labor and delivery. Some may be beyond the control of the physician. Others are caused by medical negligence and wrongdoing.  The fear of a birth injury can keep expectant parents awake at night. To be sure, errors and omissions by physicians,… read more

Can I Sue My Dentist For Malpractice in Tampa, FL?

Many people don’t enjoy going to the dentist due to fear of pain or dislike of someone else’s hands in their mouths. However, dental care is an important health concern. Good dental hygiene improves your overall health. Regular checkups and cleanings can reduce the risk of developing gum disease, cavities, and other dental conditions.  What… read more