Military Concussion Reports Undermine Insurer Arguments

Firsthand Evidence Shows Contact Isn’t Necessary for Traumatic Brain Injury to Occur Recently, Iran retaliated against the U.S. after a strike on one of their generals by carrying out missile strikes against military forces stationed in Iraq. The U.S. government initially reported no military members were injured. A few days later, they revised their story… read more

Preventing Distractions in the Car

Distracted driving is one of the top causes of car accidents in the United States, and it’s a growing problem. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving is a “dangerous epidemic” and has increased dramatically in recent years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that distracted driving kills… read more

Car Safety Features Explained [INFOGRAPHIC]

There are a plethora of vehicle safety features now available to those interested in purchasing a new car. These safety features include everything from blind-spot assistance to rear-view cameras, and have helped many drivers avoid collisions. Below, we illustrate some of the most popular safety features available in cars today and how they may benefit… read more

Impeachment and the Importance of Fair Juries

Lawyers, like members of the public at large, have strong feelings for or against the impeachment of President Trump. But if there’s one thing they can agree on, it’s how it brings home the importance of a fair, neutral jury in any fact-finding process. Democrats favoring impeachment have complained that Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell… read more

How to Avoid Hydroplaning

Hydroplaning is a dangerous phenomenon that may happen to motorists who drive on wet roads during the rainy season. Learn what causes hydroplaning and what you can do to reduce the chances of it happening to you. What is Hydroplaning? Hydroplaning occurs when a car’s tires encounter more water than their treads can displace. This… read more

Impeachment Inquiry Brings Rare Attention To Obscure Legal Terms

The Congressional impeachment inquiry has brought rare attention to some previously obscure legal terms. There’s probably never been a time when more attention has been paid to the phrase “quid pro quo” or the word “hearsay.” Quid Pro Quo Quid pro quo is the easier of the two to understand. Quid pro quo, loosely translated,… read more

Florida No-Fault Auto Insurance: Rummaging Through the House

In previous blogs, we’ve commented that clients often find our “no fault” auto insurance system frustrating. They often can’t understand why their own insurance has to pay for medical care and other expenses right after they are involved in a crash. Part of the answer is that Florida lawmakers wanted to create a simple, self-executing… read more

Recovering Damages After a Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries have the potential to change the course of a victim’s life forever. Depending on the severity of the brain injury, the victim may be able to return to work in days to weeks, or they may never be able to live independently or earn an income again. Therefore, it’s in your best… read more

Handling a Fatal Car Accident Claim

When you’ve received the devastating news of a loved one’s death, you may not know where to begin. You may be seeking closure, compensation, or someone to blame. If your loved one was killed in a car accident, a wrongful death lawsuit may help you find all three. Car accidents, especially fatal ones, rarely occur… read more

Florida Bar Recertified Attorneys Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers in Civil Trial

The Florida Bar’s Board of Legal Specialization and Education (BLSE) has issued a renewal of Attorney Mark Roman’s certification in Civil Trial Law. The recertification was effective as of June 1, 2019. The Civil Trial Law Certification is a professional designation that identifies attorneys as experts in the practice of civil litigation. The certification must… read more