How Much Does a Semi Truck Weigh?

We share the road with semi-trucks in Florida each day. These large vehicles are responsible for transporting goods efficiently and effectively throughout the country. However, sharing the road with commercial vehicles can be dangerous. One of the reasons large trucks pose a danger to others on the road is their size. The weight and size… read more

What is the Difference Between Express and Implied Consent?

Medical errors can take on a number of different forms. One error that can support a medical malpractice suit is when a doctor fails to obtain a patient’s informed consent before performing a treatment or operation. When you consult with a doctor, you are entitled to a complete discussion about your condition and the associated… read more

Florida Statute Makes Windshield Repairs Free

Car accidents can cause quite a bit of damage to a vehicle. Even a minor car crash can cause dents, scrapes, and broken or cracked windows and windshields. A crack in your windshield can quickly spread and cause your entire windshield to shatter. Road debris and flying rocks can also crack or chip a windshield…. read more

Top 5 Most Important Safety Features for Cars

Every year more than 38,000 people are killed in car accidents in America. On top of that, more than 4 million are injured. These statistics make the U.S. one of the most dangerous places to drive among developed nations.  The good news about these troubling numbers is that every year new safety technologies are developed… read more

How To Obtain a Car Accident Report in Clearwater, Florida

Getting into a car accident is no fun. In addition to being dangerous, car accidents can lead to a host of headaches including disputes with your insurance company, squabbles with the other driver, and various hassles as you wait for your car to be repaired.  If you have been in an accident that resulted in… read more

Causes and Symptoms of Cephalohematoma

One of the most common conditions or injuries newborns suffer from is cephalohematoma. Cephalohematoma is the pooling of blood between a baby’s scalp and skull. While the severity of each case can vary greatly, cephalohematoma often resolves itself and poses no further risk to your child. However, in extreme cases, medical intervention might be necessary…. read more

What Are the Causes and Effects of Brain Stem Injuries?

The brain stem is a portion of the brain that is connected to the nerves that run down the spinal cord. It is located toward the back of the brain. The brain stem is the main connective trunk of tissue that delivers signals between the brain and the rest of the body.  In humans, the… read more

All About Back and Neck Injuries From Rear-end Collisions

Rear-end motor vehicle collisions are dangerous and stressful occurrences. Even minor car accidents can result in serious bodily harm and long-term effects. In fact, rear-end car crashes are highly likely to result in back and neck injuries for both passengers and drivers.  The medical costs for back and neck injuries can add up quickly in… read more

What Exactly Can a Process Server Do To Serve Papers?

If a lawsuit must be filed after a car accident, a physical copy of the lawsuit is delivered to the person or people being sued. This physical delivery by the appropriate officer is called service of process.  Sometimes, a sheriff makes service of process. In other cases, like when the sheriff is unsuccessful, a person,… read more

About Herniated Discs, C4/C5, and C5/C6 Injuries

Herniated discs are one of the most common spinal cord injuries doctors see after car accidents. Spinal cord injuries are severe. Following a spinal cord injury, an injured person’s mobility and function may be entirely lost or extremely limited from the location of the injury downward.  Since the location is significant to the injury’s treatment,… read more