Gulf Oil Spill Report Identifies The Problem With Liability Caps

The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill recently issued its report to the President. Consistent with previous findings, the Commission found that a series of missteps led to what’s been called the worst ecological disaster in U.S. history. In describing the multiple causes of the disaster, the Commission described how the participants… read more

Flexibility: A Sometimes Overlooked Key For Lawyers In Trial

If there is one thing skilled trial lawyers agree on, it is the need for thorough preparation. A lawyer who goes into court must know the case they intend to prove. To the extent possible, they must also know their opponent’s case and be ready to defuse it. Trying to “wing it” through a trial… read more

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Partners with Gearlink Racing

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Gearlink Racing, Inc.! Our firm is now a sponsor of the bicycle racing team, which plays a prominent role in the Florida cycling community. Founded in 2008, Gearlink Racing consists of nearly 100 riders – and growing – who participate in… read more