Injury Prevention in Youth Sports

Safety in youth sports is everyone’s responsibility. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 2.6 million youth sports injuries annually. Break it down and that’s over 7,000 child sports injuries every day in the United States. A majority of American children participate in some form of youth sports. Many play soccer, others are… read more

May is National Bike Month!

Since 1956, the month of May has been National Bike Month. It’s a time to showcase the benefits of bicycling and encourage more people to give it a try. Many people use bicycling as their primary mode of transportation and regularly bike to work or school. Bicycling frequently is a great form of exercise and… read more

Wellness Surveys Say A Lot About the Lives of Injured People

Every year, media organizations publish articles about “well-being” indexes for various places in the United States. Well-being indexes, as the name suggests, attempt to measure happiness and wellness among various groups of Americans. These groups are usually categorized by where they live, and wellness index articles often show lists rating cities or states across the… read more

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Sponsors Dunedin High School Falcon Baseball Team

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is proud to be a sponsor this year for the Dunedin High School baseball team! Pictured to the left are three Falcons players standing next to our banner at the Dunedin High School baseball field. As a Pinellas County law firm, we are proud to support the members of our… read more

Insurance Advertising Shows Why You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage (For All the Wrong Reasons)

At Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers, our firm consists of lawyers, not auto insurance agents. Nonetheless, we often advise our clients to get a form of auto insurance called uninsured motorist coverage. That coverage pays in the place of the at-fault driver when that driver has (1) no insurance of their own, or (2) inadequate… read more

Life After a Cycling Injury

Bicyclists are in a dangerous position. They are entitled to the same rights and privileges as automobiles on the road, yet they face a far greater risk of getting into an accident. And, because bicyclists are not as protected as other motorists, their injuries are often catastrophic and sometimes fatal. If you were involved in… read more

Cowardly Senate Rejects Lawyer Nominee for Representing the Wrong People

One of the jobs of our U.S. Senate is to approve the President’s nominations of people to certain high-level government jobs. Many nominations do not get much media attention. However, a stir was created last week when the Senate rejected Debo Adegbile, a prominent civil rights lawyer, for a top job with the Justice Department…. read more

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Participates in Curious George Bike Day

In an effort to support children’s bicycle safety, Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers was proud to participate in Curious George Bike Day at Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park last weekend. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers teamed up with Gearlink and Chainwheel drive for this event. Some 500 to 600 children aged three to six came… read more

Reimbursement Claims Can Tie Personal Injury Settlements in Knots

Most people who make personal injury claims think their case is over when they reach a settlement or a jury returns a verdict. That remains true in some cases. Unfortunately, other cases remain complicated even after the primary claim is resolved. That’s because injured people must sometimes contend with health insurers, providers of employee benefits,… read more

Florida Court Limits Discovery of Facebook Postings

Social media has exploded in popularity in the last decade. Many people enjoy using sites like Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch with friends and family. At the same time, use of social media has raised some serious concerns about privacy. Media reports tell us that people venting about their jobs on social media… read more