What You Need to Know About Head Injuries Following an Auto Accident

Head injuries are notorious for being difficult to diagnose, treat, and predict. As auto accidents are among the leading cause of head injuries, also known as traumatic brain injuries (TBI), it becomes important to take head trauma into consideration following any type of motor vehicle accident, no matter how inconsequential or severe it may seem…. read more

Different Laws Can Create Traps for the Unwary

Most people understand that they may be subject to different laws when they travel to other states or countries. However, those are not the only places where they might not get the protection of Florida law. There are many places and things outside the reach of Florida law, and some of them may come as… read more

Tide is Turning Against Severe Restrictions on Access to Courts

In the 1990s and 2000s, pro-corporate state legislatures passed so-called “tort reform” measures. These measures were marketed as a way to curb what tort reform proponents called “frivolous lawsuits” and “jackpot justice.” In Florida, as in many other states, they were supposed to cure a “medical malpractice crisis” or “insurance crisis.” A decade or more… read more

Consumer Reports Reveals Dirty Secrets of Auto Insurance Pricing

Anyone who watches television has seen them: cute or quirky car insurance ads with colorful characters bragging about saving you money. The ads may be amusing, but they don’t tell us how insurance is priced or which policies provide the best value. The cover story in the September 2015 issue of Consumer Reports is called… read more

Uninsured Motorist Coverage is a Continuing Need in Florida

By: Morgan Gaynor Florida is statistically a terrible place to be on the receiving end of a car accident. Florida is one of the few states which does not require drivers to protect others from their mistakes. While many states require drivers to carry minimum levels of liability coverage, Florida does not. There are some… read more

Tort Reform Misconceptions

In the U.S., tort reform has become a conflicting political issue – and it has gained notoriety for the heated rhetoric coming from each side. A recent opinion piece published inForbes takes a firm stance regarding this rhetoric by stating that the insurance industry succeeded in “tricking” more than half the states into implementing tort… read more

Florida Funds Additional Pedestrian / Bicycle Trails

A little less than a year ago, we reported that Florida would be funding construction of a continuous pedestrian trail across the state known as the Coast to Coast Connector. This year, there is more good news for pedestrians and bicyclists. An additional $25 million in annual funding has been approved to construct and maintain… read more

Staying Safe on Fourth of July: Fireworks Safety Tips

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers would like to wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July! If you have plans to enjoy the coming holiday weekend, our injury lawyers would like to remind all local residents that the Fourth of July is one of the more dangerous times of year. Whether you’ll be on vacation, enjoying… read more

Balcony Collapse Tragedy Shows Limits Of Landlord Safety Rules

On June 16, six people were killed near San Francisco when an apartment balcony they were gathered on collapsed. The collapse caused them to fall four stories to a sidewalk below. Four were killed instantly, and two more died at the hospital from their injuries. Seven more people were injured. The tragedy was national news… read more

Former AIG CEO Sues Federal Government Over Federal Bailout Which Saved AIG

The insurance industry has long protested about “frivolous lawsuits” which allegedly clog the court system and drive up insurance costs. AIG is a big part of that industry. In fact, it is the largest insurance conglomerate in the world. Given that, it’s ironic that the former CEO of AIG is pursuing what most people would… read more