Complete vs. Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury (SCI) occurs when the protection surrounding your cord is damaged. Trauma, from a violent motor vehicle accident or a vicious sports injury, can cause this damage, which can result in the loss of the ability to send and receive messages from the brain to the body’s system that controls sensory and… read more

Dazed And Confused: Sleep Apnea In The Transportation Industry

This week brought grim news from Washington state: another passenger train derailment, apparently caused by speeding, which killed at least three people and injured many others. This crash joins a grim list: 1) A December 2013 New York commuter train derailment which killed four people; 2) A May 2015 Amtrak derailment near Philadelphia which killed… read more

Why Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injuries are Difficult to Recognize

According to the Brain Injury Association of America, roughly 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. These injuries can manifest in hundreds of different ways and while some are easily diagnosed, others are harder to recognize; a coup-contrecoup brain injury falls under the latter. What Is a Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury? When… read more

It’s Time To Get Away From The “A” Word For Car Crashes

People have talked about car accidents for as long as there have been cars. But there’s something about this term which isn’t quite right: “accidents” suggest car crashes are random, unforeseeable events, like lightning striking. In reality, they’re not. Car crashes are actually predictable, explainable, and most importantly, preventable. Professionals in the auto industry have… read more

Beware of These Common Winter-Time Accidents

The holiday season is upon us, which means the first official day of winter is fast approaching. Although Florida may not see as picturesque a change in season or weather as other states across the country, there are certainly seasonal trends that make the holiday and winter months a unique time of year. Unfortunately, many… read more

Florida Auto Insurance Laws May Change In A Good Way Soon

Changes in the Florida auto insurance system may happen soon, and Florida drivers may be better off for it. Last year, Florida lawmakers pondered ditching our state’s beleaguered “no-fault” auto insurance system. That system, which requires drivers to initially use their own insurance to pay for things like medical bills and lost wages, has become… read more

Harvey Weinstein Illustrates The Problem With Secret Settlements

Four years ago, I wrote a blog criticizing secret lawsuit settlements. Here’s one of the criticisms I made at the time: If a case settles confidentially, lawyers may lose the ability to share what they’ve learned with others. Lawyers handling the same type of cases may have to start from scratch, fighting tooth and nail… read more

Your Insurance Company Calls The Shots On Claims Against You

One of our firm’s clients was in the news recently because he got a rude shock from his insurance company, Geico. He found out the hard way how insurance companies really operate. The story begins in August. At that time, Ricky Melendez was driving to work in the morning on U.S. 19. As he passed… read more

The Bizarre Behavior of Florida Car Insurance Companies

The law firm of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is currently representing Ricky Melendez , a 29-year-old man who was hit by a 16-year-old driver who had stolen a car and ran a red light at 112 mph. The Tampa Bay Times recently published an article covering the details of the incident and subsequent struggles… read more

Worrisome Trends Revealed In Latest Bicycle Safety Study

The Governor’s Highway Safety Association just released a major report on bike safety. Rather than analyzing brand new data, the report reviewed fatal crash data from 1975 to 2015 in detail to try and figure out trends. Overall, the news is not good. Bicycle accident fatalities declined steadily year after year until 2010. Since then,… read more