Recent FBI Raid Shows Limits Of The Attorney-Client Privilege

One of the most sacred forms of confidentiality in the law is the attorney-client privilege. Most people know the things they tell their lawyers will never be revealed to the world. In the great majority of cases, that’s true. This is for a good reason: a lawyer cannot effectively represent a client unless the client… read more

Driverless Car Technology: The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be

Futurists have been raving about driverless cars for years. They foresee a world where fuel efficient cars glide safely through cities, avoiding the kinds of crashes routinely caused by humans. People won’t have to own cars at all in that world. They’ll just summon them when they need them, and relax while the car’s artificial… read more

Legislative Session Shows Continuing Power Of Corporate Lobbyists

Coming into this year’s legislative session, we hoped Florida would finally ditch our outdated “no fault” auto insurance system. Several legislators wanted to change Florida to the type of fault-based insurance system used in most other states. Unfortunately, it was not to be. Insurance companies may complain about paying PIP benefits, but they love collecting… read more

Ride-Sharing Services Must Now Provide Coverage For Their Florida Crashes

For many decades, there weren’t many changes in the way Americans got around in motor vehicles. People either owned their own cars or motorcycles or took taxis and public transportation. Things have changed dramatically in the last few years. Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have changed the landscape in the transportation world. The explosion… read more

Daycares: An Unsafe Environment

Do you drop off your little ones to daycare each day you go to work? Parents over depend on daycare centers to provide a safe, secure, and supervised space while they are away. Caretakers and daycare staff members need to take their responsibility seriously and never act negligently when looking after children placed under their… read more

Insurance Companies Are Fighting Repeal Of Florida No-Fault Auto Insurance

For years, insurance companies in Florida have been railing about fraud and abuse in our no-fault auto insurance system. Those companies complain that health care providers are overbilling patients to grab personal injury protection benefits the no-fault law provides. They also complain about outright fraud in the system. Maybe those companies never thought anyone would… read more

Possible Change To Auto Insurance Coverage Will Protect Consumers

There are several bills pending in the Florida legislature which may end up changing our auto insurance laws. One bill, which would repeal the Florida no-fault auto insurance law, has received a lot of attention in the press in the last few months. Another one, which involves which people auto insurance policies must cover within… read more

Geico Files Racketeering Suit Against Referral Service And Seeks Millions

Geico recently filed a lawsuit in a Florida federal court against the parent company of 411 Pain, the medical-legal referral service. The breadth of the suit is astounding. Geico’s legal complaint is almost 200 pages long, and alleges the referral service, along with many co-defendants, engaged in racketeering, illegal kickback schemes, fraud, and other serious… read more

President Trump Draws Rare Attention To Mental Status Exams

President Trump recently took a physical to assess his overall health. Although these physicals are routine for sitting presidents, this one has gotten unusual attention because it included an additional component: a mental status exam. According to media reports, Trump had a memory screening exam added to his usual physical by White House medical staff…. read more

Florida Ahead Of The Curve On Driver-Less Cars, But Questions Remain

Many people in the auto industry believe driverless cars are the future. Depending on who you believe, these cars will either take over the market completely or be a large part of it within the next decade. Many states have not yet decided how to treat driverless cars legally. Florida is way ahead of those… read more