Why Do Many Car Accident Cases End In Settlements?

Why don’t we hear more about lawsuits after a car accident? Why are there not many instances in which we see court cases deciding the fates of those who sustain serious injuries because of someone else’s negligent actions? It’s because a large majority of the time, these types of cases end in settlements. What does… read more

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is Safe After Report of Bomb Threat

Reports of bomb threats have resulted in evacuations and lockdowns at businesses, schools, and government buildings in Florida and throughout the United States—including our Clearwater office. Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers received a threat via e-mail, which was similar to others reported across the state and country. On behalf of our experienced legal team, we would like to… read more

The Aftermath of a Car Accident: Physical and Emotional Damage

Imagine having to deal with the long-term physical and emotional impact of a serious injury caused by someone else’s negligence. Think of the difficulties that are often present in the aftermath of a car accident; these matters are amplified when already dealing with countless hardships. For anyone who sustains injuries as a result of a… read more

Understanding Auto Insurance Coverage In Florida

When it comes to auto insurance coverage in the state of Florida, not many people fully understand what is available to them, what laws require them to carry, and why it’s so important to understand what your policy offers. Understanding the different types of auto insurance coverage can help you have more knowledge regarding what… read more

Understanding the Basics of Auto Insurance in Florida

If there’s one thing that’s almost universal in our experience as lawyers, it’s this: clients don’t understand how their auto insurance really works. Even highly educated, financially prudent people are typically bewildered by the interaction between various parts of their Florida auto insurance coverage. This isn’t surprising, because it really is difficult to understand all… read more

What a Typical Personal Injury Claim Process Looks Like

Seeking fair and deserved compensation from a negligent party that causes you harm is unfortunately not a simple procedure. You cannot just walk up to them, ask for payment, and expect to receive it. Instead, there is an entire legal process that needs to unfold for the typical personal injury claim. To help you get… read more

Oklahoma jury issues huge bad faith verdict against Aetna

In early November, the family of an Oklahoma woman who had cancer received a verdict for more than $25 million against her health insurer, Aetna. The jury found that Aetna acted in bad faith in denying proton beam therapy to her as an “experimental” treatment. Proton beam therapy is a targeted form of radiation treatment… read more

Corporate Employers & The Problem of Trade Secrets

Most people have some sense of the term “trade secrets.” When you hear it, you probably think of things like the recipe for Coke, or customer lists stashed in the boss’s office. However, corporate America interprets the term in a much broader way — and employment relationships can get complicated and contentious when employers assert… read more

Terrible New York crash shows even limos aren’t always safe

Twenty people were killed recently when a limousine barreled through a stop sign and crashed in upstate New York. It was the deadliest transportation crash in the United States since 2009, and an extraordinary number of deaths for a land motor vehicle case. Numbers that high usually come from aircraft or train crashes. The 20… read more

Why Should You Work with a Board Certified Lawyer?

Did you know that lawyers, like doctors, can become Board Certified? But what does this mean, and, more importantly, why does it matter? Read on to learn more. Experience the Benefits of Hiring a Board Certified Trial Attorney As defined by the Florida Bar, board certification “recognizes attorneys’ special knowledge, skills and proficiency in various… read more