Medical Errors Ranks High as Cause of U.S. Deaths

Medical errors kill roughly 250,000 Americans a year, according to a recent paper published by a Johns Hopkins professor and surgeon. This places medical mistakes as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. These errors are a distant third behind heart disease (611,000) and cancer (585,000), but are nonetheless remarkable for killing more… read more

Learn the Signs of Swimmers in Distress as Summer Beach Season Approaches

It’s nearly beach season! While enjoying the beach and water is one of summer’s greatest pleasures, we should all take a moment to think about water safety. This is especially important for young children –drowning is the number two cause of accidental death for kids 15 and younger (vehicle accidents are number one). About 750… read more

Uber Class Action Matters for Auto Accident Cases, Too

When is a driver an employee, and when is a driver just a contractor? This question is at the heart of a class action filed against Uber, the popular ride-sharing service. Uber recently agreed to pay about $100 million to settle lawsuits in California and Massachusetts. Those suits claimed Uber was improperly calling its drivers… read more

Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Trust Insurance Companies

The insurance world can be complex and difficult to understand. Whether an insurance company is a large corporation or a small office found in your local neighborhood, the goal for each company is the same: to generate profit. As a result, the insurance industry has become extremely successful and profitable. Many of these companies go… read more

Finally, A Good TV Show About Lawyers And Trials

As a lawyer, I usually find TV shows about lawyers exasperating and un-watchable. Portrayals of lawyers and courtrooms which are designed to be entertaining are often ludicrous. If people’s perception of lawyers is based on what they see on television, it’s no wonder they don’t like us. Given that, I’m pleased to say there is… read more

4 Ways to Avoid Drunk Driving Accidents This Spring Break

With spring break right around the corner, many people are getting ready to visit new places, hang out by the pool, and relax in good company. Of course, many people who take advantage of this vacation time will want to enjoy a few alcoholic beverages to unwind. As a result, the roads can become a… read more

5 Tips to Keep Your Family Safe While Traveling During Spring Break

With spring break just around the corner, many young individuals and families will be traveling to different cities to enjoy new views, the outdoors, and friends. Of course, time on the road means higher risks for serious car accidents. To keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe when traveling this spring, consider the following… read more

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Earns a $4,356,000.00 Verdict for a Car Accident Victim

On Monday, August 6, 2012, a car accident victim, who was represented by Mark S. Roman and Morgan L. Gaynor of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers, was rear-ended by an employee of Mercedes-Benz in Melbourne. Immediately after the collision, healthcare professionals rendered the plaintiff unconscious and stated that she suffered the following injuries: The plaintiff… read more

Are Road Sharrows Really Benefiting Bicyclists?

Recently, a study published by the University of Colorado Denver has shown that shared lane markings, also referred to as sharrows, are not actually benefiting bicyclists at all. To determine whether sharrows were actually making the roads safer for cyclists, researchers examined a number of safety outcomes throughout Chicago. Some areas received designated bike lanes,… read more

Drowsy Driving Lands Amongst NTSB’s 2016 Most Wanted List

Most people have felt it at least once before. You are driving along and all of a sudden, you are hit with a wave of drowsiness and fatigue. But, did you know this can be an extremely dangerous condition for you and other drivers on the road? It’s true.In fact, the National Transportation Safety Board… read more