Florida’s Car Seat Law Is Changing. Are You Prepared?
Mark Roman | June 26, 2014 | Car Accidents
Florida’s car seat laws are changing. The Governor recently signed a bill into law that will require four and five year olds to ride in a booster seat when in cars. Until Governor Rick Scott signed House Bill 225 into law, Florida was one of only two states that allowed children aged 4-5 to ride… read more
5 Tips for Staying Safe This Summer
Mark Roman | June 6, 2014 | Personal Injury
Summer will arrive this year on June 21, and with it will come outdoor activities, fireworks, and more. In preparation for summer, Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers has provided a list of 5 tips you need for a safe summer. Contact the Clearwater Personal Injury Law Firm of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers for Help… read more
June Is National Safety Month!
Mark Roman | June 2, 2014 | Newsletter Article, Personal Injury
June is national safety month sponsored by the National Safety Council (NSC). This year’s theme is “Safety: It Takes All of Us” and focuses on informing the public on steps they can take to reduce their risk of getting in an accident. When everyone does their part, accidents can be avoided. Each week the NSC… read more
Central Florida Still Dead Last for Pedestrian Deaths
Mark Roman | May 22, 2014 | Pedestrian Accidents
In past posts, I’ve mentioned the dismal safety record of the area for bicyclists and pedestrians. Those posts have usually discussed statistics which are generated one year at a time. Unfortunately, things don’t look any better when multiple years are included in the data. A recent study titled Dangerous By Design 2014 (published by by… read more
“Affluenza” Defendant Will Not Go Unpunished Thanks to Civil Justice System
Mark Roman | May 12, 2014 | Car Accidents
Last year, a juvenile caused a terrible car accident in Texas which killed four people and injured several others. When he was criminally prosecuted, his lawyers presented a “affluenza” defense. They argued that their juvenile client had poor judgment and a sense of entitlement because his wealthy parents did not do enough to discipline him…. read more
Scheneker Trial Shows Importance of Jury Selection
Mark Roman | May 5, 2014 | news
Julie Scheneker’s murder trial in Tampa is getting a lot of attention this week from local media. The trial officially began last week, but no evidence has been presented yet. That’s because lawyers for both sides spent all of last week trying to seat an impartial jury for the case. One might wonder why it… read more
Injury Prevention in Youth Sports
Mark Roman | May 2, 2014 | Personal Injury
Safety in youth sports is everyone’s responsibility. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 2.6 million youth sports injuries annually. Break it down and that’s over 7,000 child sports injuries every day in the United States. A majority of American children participate in some form of youth sports. Many play soccer, others are… read more
May is National Bike Month!
Mark Roman | May 1, 2014 | Bicycle Accidents
Since 1956, the month of May has been National Bike Month. It’s a time to showcase the benefits of bicycling and encourage more people to give it a try. Many people use bicycling as their primary mode of transportation and regularly bike to work or school. Bicycling frequently is a great form of exercise and… read more
Wellness Surveys Say A Lot About the Lives of Injured People
Mark Roman | April 16, 2014 | Personal Injury
Every year, media organizations publish articles about “well-being” indexes for various places in the United States. Well-being indexes, as the name suggests, attempt to measure happiness and wellness among various groups of Americans. These groups are usually categorized by where they live, and wellness index articles often show lists rating cities or states across the… read more
Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Sponsors Dunedin High School Falcon Baseball Team
Mark Roman | April 1, 2014 | news
Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is proud to be a sponsor this year for the Dunedin High School baseball team! Pictured to the left are three Falcons players standing next to our banner at the Dunedin High School baseball field. As a Pinellas County law firm, we are proud to support the members of our… read more