What’s the Average Settlement for a Car Accident?

In the wake of a car accident, you may face mounting costs in medical bills and lost wages. As such, one of the main concerns on car accident victims’ minds is the amount their case may be worth. Below, we discuss what you may expect in a car accident settlement. What’s My Car Accident Claim… read more

3 Benefits of a Personal Injury Attorney [INFOGRAPHIC]

Working with a personal injury attorney can benefit you in several ways. We illustrate three of the main benefits of an experienced attorney in the infographic below. Contact the Clearwater Personal Injury Law Firm of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers for Help Today For more information, please contact the legal team of Roman Austin Personal… read more

Why You Should Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

Car accidents are a common occurrence. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 36,560 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2018. Given the frequency of car accidents, you may think they are commonplace enough that you do not need to work with a personal injury attorney in the wake of… read more

Peer-to-Peer Car Rentals Raise Questions on Liability

It’s the legislative season in Florida, and one of this session’s bills addresses “peer-to-peer” car rentals. Peer-to-peer rentals are just what they sound like: Rather than renting a car from a big company like Hertz or Avis, you rent a car from another person. The practice has been compared to renting out a home on… read more

Ask an Attorney: How Much Is My Car Crash Case Worth?

We get asked this question all the time. Sometimes at the first meeting with a new client. It’s a perfectly reasonable question. Unfortunately, it’s like asking: “how much does a house cost?” How big is the house? Where is it? Like a house, an injury case can be of enormous value, or it can be… read more

Will We Finally Be Free of Florida’s No-Fault Law?

Here we go again. Legislation to eliminate PIP (personal injury protection) benefits is being taken up in the Florida legislature. It’s been tried before. Special interests kept it alive. It’s an antiquated and useless law that makes it harder for car crash victims to obtain justice. Twelve states and Puerto Rico have no-fault auto insurance… read more

Components of a Car Insurance Policy

A car insurance policy comes with several components that provide protection for different scenarios. All drivers must carry liability insurance, at a minimum. However, if drivers elect not to purchase additional, optional coverage, they may not be able to recover compensation from their insurer for different types of damages. Our Clearwater personal injury attorneys discuss… read more

Military Concussion Reports Undermine Insurer Arguments

Firsthand Evidence Shows Contact Isn’t Necessary for Traumatic Brain Injury to Occur Recently, Iran retaliated against the U.S. after a strike on one of their generals by carrying out missile strikes against military forces stationed in Iraq. The U.S. government initially reported no military members were injured. A few days later, they revised their story… read more

Preventing Distractions in the Car

Distracted driving is one of the top causes of car accidents in the United States, and it’s a growing problem. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving is a “dangerous epidemic” and has increased dramatically in recent years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that distracted driving kills… read more

Car Safety Features Explained [INFOGRAPHIC]

There are a plethora of vehicle safety features now available to those interested in purchasing a new car. These safety features include everything from blind-spot assistance to rear-view cameras, and have helped many drivers avoid collisions. Below, we illustrate some of the most popular safety features available in cars today and how they may benefit… read more