Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Secures $335,000 Jury Verdict for Injured Pedestrian

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is pleased to announce that our legal team was recently successful in securing a $335,000 jury verdict on behalf of a client who was injured in a pedestrian accident. The verdict was reached on January 26th in Pinellas County Circuit Court. The case stemmed from an incident that took place… read more

Truck Accidents & Electronic On-Board Recorders

Because commercial trucks and tractor-trailers pose such great risks to the general public, these vehicles and the drivers and companies that operate them are stringently regulated by state and federal laws. Among the many regulations designed to ensure truckers reduce risks of injuring the innocent public, one involves the use of electronic on-board recorders. Electronic… read more

3 Things You Should Know About Bicycle Safety

There are many benefits to bicycling, including physical fitness and cutting back on pollution. Unfortunately, the many people who choose to commute or exercise on bike face some of the greatest risks on our roadways – including risks of serious and even fatal injuries. Statistically, the state of Florida has one of the highest concentrations… read more

“Freedom” for Motorcycle Riders Isn’t Worth the Risk

By: Morgan Gaynor A recentTampa Bay Times column by Sue Carlton noted that a Florida lawmaker introduced a bill to once again require motorcycle riders to wear helmets. She cited findings on how helmets protect riders from death and brain injuries, wryly concluding that sometimes the law really does need to protect us from ourselves…. read more

New Sports Equipment May Reduce Risk of Concussions – Eventually

The epidemic of concussions in contact sports is now familiar to most Americans. Medical experts have noted an epidemic of mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in teens and young adults who play football, hockey, and soccer. Professional football players face even greater risks, with repeated “microtraumas” to the head leading to grave problems like chronic… read more

Attorney Mark Roman Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Admission To The Florida Bar

Our team of Clearwater personal injury lawyers at Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers would like to announce that we recently celebrated Attorney Mark Roman’s 30th anniversary of admission to the Florida Bar on Sunday, October 16. We are pleased to be led by such a dedicated, relentless, and compassionate Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer. Since… read more

Five Ways to Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are among the most vulnerable people on our roadways. Because there’s little to protect them from passenger or commercial vehicles, pedestrian accidents often result in fatalities and catastrophic injuries. Because of these risks, it is important for motorists and pedestrians alike to do their part in being vigilant and safely sharing the road. Driver… read more

Technology Suspected for Spike in Traffic Deaths

Until recently, the trend for deaths from traffic crashes was uniformly encouraging. For a period of about forty years ending in 2014, traffic deaths declined steadily. Unfortunately, that trend reversed itself in 2015, with deaths spiking at the greatest percentage rate in 50 years. The death rate has now returned to a level last seen… read more

Expert Witnesses for the Defense: It’s Not Just Physicians Anymore

Usually, physical injuries are the focus of personal injury cases. However, accident victims sometimes suffer non-physical injuries after a trauma as well. For example, a person involved in a severe car accident may sustain a traumatic brain injury, develop post-traumatic stress disorder, or become severely depressed. Though the line can be hard to draw in… read more

Driverless Cars Are Not the Future – Yet

Like all Florida lawyers, I’m required to take continuing legal education courses to stay current on developments in the law. So I found myself at a seminar recently hearing a speaker talk about how the future belongs to self-driving cars. The speaker was bullish on this new technology. He predicted that driverless cars will be… read more