Legal Writing Doesn’t Have to Be Dry and Dull

Legal writing is known for being stuffy and arcane. The terminology can be hard for lay readers to understand, and the writing is often dull. One of the hardest things for new law students is learning the lingo of old court opinions and articles. Fortunately, that is changing. Slowly but surely, lawyers and judges have… read more

Suing Over a Defective Bicycle

Bicyclists have little in the way of protection, which makes riders highly vulnerable to suffering injuries in accidents. While many bicycle accidents are caused by the negligence of others, including negligent drivers, some are caused by unsafe and defective bikes. Just as with a bicycle accident case involving negligent drivers, riders have the opportunity to… read more

Soft Tissue Injuries: Should You Take Them Seriously?

Car accidents are always unique. Depending on the circumstances involved, car wrecks can result in all types of outcomes, from occupants walking away unscathed to victims paying the ultimate and most tragic price. When injuries occur, personal injury law provides victims and families will the opportunity to hold an at-fault party accountable for causing a… read more

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers Earns Spot on Top 50 Verdicts in Florida List

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers is pleased to announce that our firm has earned a spot in the prestigious Top 50 and Top 100 Verdicts in Florida lists for 2016. This is a significant achievement that places our firm at the top of all plaintiff and cross-claimant jury verdicts obtained throughout the entire state last… read more

Term limits for Florida judges are a bad idea

Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran knows how to get attention. He has famously picked a fight with Governor Scott, a fellow Republican, about what he perceives as corporate welfare. He has criticized Florida’s universities and promised to cut their budgets. Many political observers believe he is getting ready to run for governor in the next… read more

Traffic Deaths Rise Again in 2016

Just a few months ago, this blog discussed a rise in auto accident death rates in 2015. Now the numbers are in for 2016, and they’re even worse. The National Safety Council data show a 6-percent increase in deaths in 2016 from 2015. The number of deaths was more than 40,000 for the first time… read more

Anti-Protest Bill May Spell Trouble for Pedestrian Cases

The last few months have seen large protests in response to the presidential election and other events. In response, several state legislatures are now considering bills to prohibit obstructing traffic during protests. One of those bills has been introduced in Florida by Senator George Gainer, a lawmaker from Panama City. Gainer’s bill would make it… read more

Tampa Court Allows Enhanced Damages for Texting and Driving

Last week, a Tampa judge allowed a person injured in an auto accident to seek punitive damages from a driver who may have been texting. Although other courts in Florida have previously allowed punitive damages for that, this appears to be the first case in the Tampa Bay area that has allowed punitive damages on… read more

Steps in a Construction Accident Lawsuit

It is no secret that construction sites are incredibly dangerous places. Filled with many people and objects, large machinery, elevated working stations, exposed wiring, open holes, and other potential hazards, construction sites can play host to many different types of accidents that can injure workers and people nearby. If you or someone you love has… read more

Judges are easy targets because they can’t hit back

Politicians who criticize judges are front and center in the news right now. Donald Trump called a federal judge who temporarily suspended his immigration ban a “so-called judge” whose decision was “ridiculous.” Closer to home, House Speaker Richard Corcoran called for term limits for state judges. Among other things, Corcoran said judges need to be… read more